What are Unlinked Notes?

Created by Sydney Killian, Modified on Wed, 13 Mar 2024 at 05:16 PM by Sydney Killian

Unlinked SOAP notes are available for when you need to document something for a client who does not have an appointment or class booked.

Notes can also end up here if the appointment/class they were created for is deleted/modified.


To create an Unlinked Note, navigate to the client's file by searching their name or clicking on it from the appointments list and select New Unlinked Note:

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A New Unlinked Note will create a new Text Note, where you can add your Template(s):

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Once you've Signed & Completed the note, it will appear in the client's Unlinked Notes page of their Client File. From here, you can link it to a class, link it to an appointment, or leave it.

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