Undocumented Visit Tracking

Created by Sydney Killian, Modified on Wed, 13 Mar 2024 at 04:37 PM by Sydney Killian

QuickerNotes automatically keeps track of appointments and whether they have a signed progress note. If an appointment that is checked out "complete" in Mindbody but does not yet have a signed note, QuickerNotes will add a small bell icon in the top right of the page.

To enable the notification of complete appointments with unsigned SOAP notes, go to the Profile menu of Settings. Under the Undocumented Visit Tracking header, select the date to start tracking completed appointments that are missing SOAP notes.

To filter out types of visits that do not produce a notification of completed appointments that are missing SOAP notes, click in the box that reads "Ignored visit types" and select the types of visits that do not require the SOAP notes.

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